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Jonathan Shradar Jonathan Shradar

Remember GX: Dong People

Meet the Dong, the 3rd people group local GX-coworker "Golden Girl" wants to see multiply in faith families.

The Dong people believe in many gods and regard many created things as sacred. There are a few Dong believers in Christ alone; however most Dong have not heard the gospel of Christ.

“ If it had not been the L who was on our side…then they would have swallowed us up alive… Our help is in the name of the L, who made heaven and earth.” Ps 124: 1,3,8

Jesus, soften the hearts of the Dong. Sustain and protect your servants as they serve these people. Build your family among the Northern Dong. 

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Jonathan Shradar Jonathan Shradar

Remember GX: Basha Miao

This December, remember.gx is partnering with GX-based, local worker "Golden Girl." She wants to see GX people saved and clubs formed among four people groups in or near GX. Team up with her and gift her your prayers this Christmas. 

First up, the Basha Miao People.

In a country where citizens cannot legally carry or own guns, the Basha Miao people are allowed. With rifle ownership as part of their culture and coming of age traditions, the Basha Miao lean into their unique heritage and animist practices for strength and security. 

May people of the Basha Miao receive strength and security through JC, first and foremost.

“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4

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