Given to Get Us Through
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Isaiah 59:14-60:22. From where we were to where we are going, it is the Word and Spirit of God that gets us through.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
Why would God work salvation by his own arm? Why is this good news to us?
How does the promise of a future with Jesus give us confidence to live through our experience now?
What does it mean for us to turn from our transgression? Is this a one time event or something more?
If we are given the Word and the Spirit to get us through, how do we approach both for help?
Why are we inclined to latch onto one or the other (Word or Spirit) versus both? How can that be avoided?
Take Delight in the Lord
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Isaiah 58. Delight in the Lord drives the mission of the church.
Sermon notes.
Small group questions:
Why do we believe our actions, even the best religious ones, will earn us favor or blessing from God?
If it is not by our duty, how is it that the Lord hears our prayers and gives us gifts, blessing, and a future with him?
How does this gospel of grace motivate us? How do we get more of it to spur us on?
What does delighting in the Lord look like to you?
Where is the Spirit calling you to go or do for the freedom of those bound and yoked?
A Table of Strangers Desperate for Jesus
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Isaiah 56 & 57. The church of Christ is meant to be a table of strangers desperate for Jesus.
Sermon notes.
Small groups questions:
How would the people of Judah have responded to the idea of foreigners and eunuchs being given the same salvation and made children of God? Why are we likely to respond in similar ways?
How does the grace of Christ free us to welcome the stranger into the family?
What motivation does the grace of Christ give us to live for holiness and obedience to him?
What is it that turns us away from our idolatry back to Jesus?
How do we stay low before the Lord? What is the role of community toward this end?
What does reviving of the lowly and contrite look like in our day? How can we tap into it?
That Ship Has Sailed
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Isaiah 54 & 55. The redeemed of the Lord are marked with faith and satisfaction in him.
Small group questions:
What are the things that keep us from a life of faith as Isaiah 54 invites?
How does the cross of Christ actually deliver this kind of life?
What are the things we can do to experience more of this life of faith?
How would you describe being satisfied in Jesus to someone who has yet to believe?
What does this satisfaction-derived joy look like practically in your life?