Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Matthew 5:1-12. Followers of Jesus live under a kingdom ethic.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
Why does this list of characteristics seem so far out of reach for us?
What hope do we have in living in this way? How does the community of faith help us?
What is appealing about this kingdom life to outsiders?
How does this ethic give us hope in midst of a time of turmoil and strife?
Tempted to Live
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus fights for you.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
In what ways do you see yourself falling for the old temptations?
How does God's word give you a way out?
How can the community of faith help you with recognizing temptation and fighting against it?
What hope does Jesus' defeating Satan give us as we face our daily lives?
How can we spread this hope to others?