Contagious Joy
In the midst of our Singing of Jesus series we hear the song of Israel, the melodic declaration of why they exist. In Christ, we exist to worship the Lord with contagious joy before the watching world. Psalm 67.
Home group questions.
Sign of Favor
Our view or our need shapes how we approach God. Grace meets us in our need. Psalm 86 and the model of David's prayer. We can pray this way too, especially because Jesus is our "sign of favor" and he gives us grace. Singing of Jesus series in the Psalms.
Home Group questions.
Flesh and Blood Love
Continuing in the Singing of Jesus series, we tackle Psalm 107. The redemption we seek and receive is flesh and blood, it is Jesus.
Home Group Questions
Pleasures Forevermore
Continuing in the Singing of Jesus series with a look at our place of commitment, contentment and confidence in Psalm 16. (Audio begins at 55 seconds in this recording).