Imperfect Lovers
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Psalm 100. The long we long for is ours in Jesus!
Sermon notes.
What makes it difficult for us to embrace the love of God for us or believe it is this good?
How do we reframe our thinking to live from this love?
How does love motivate joy, jubilation, thanksgiving? What does a life lived this way look like in 2022?
Who is in your circle that reminds you of this love? Who can you remind?
Driven by Doxology
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Psalm 13. A life of anxiety is survived by singing.
Sermon notes.
What are the things in life that have a tendency to drive up anxiety?
How does the hope of Jesus face and resolve those things?
How can the community of faith help carry you through the wilderness times?
What are some of the ways God has been faithful and generous with you?
What would the title of your "song" be in this season of life?
Meet the Man
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Psalm 1. Jesus is the happy hero that rescues us.
Sermon notes.
Is it actually hopeful to recognize that we are more inclined toward the way of wickedness? How so?
Why should we see Jesus in the Psalms?
How does his rescue of us fuel us for life now? What are the ways in which we become like him?