Romans Jonathan Shradar Romans Jonathan Shradar

Indwelling: The Spirit in You

The Holy Spirit dwells in every believer bringing both spiritual and physical life. Romans 8:9-11 

Go further: 

1. How can you know that the Spirit lives in you? Is there evidence in you?

2. What might a Spirit-empowered life look like for you both spiritually and physically?

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Romans Jonathan Shradar Romans Jonathan Shradar


Christ’s finished work has liberated those that believe in him, removing condemnation and giving a new mindset of life and peace. Romans 8:1-8. 

Go further:

1. What keeps us from living a Spirit-minded life if there is no condemnation for us?

2. How would running the race of life with others help you live this life?

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Romans Jonathan Shradar Romans Jonathan Shradar

The Law-Empowered Life

In a very hot and sweaty auditorium, we studied Romans 7. Paul communicates that the Law, while good, is powerless to deliver what it demands. We need something more, something we get in Christ and through the Spirit. The Law-Empowered Life is actually no life at all.

Go further:

1. Why are we incapable of living up to the law?

2. What are the positive ways the law works in your life?

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Romans Jonathan Shradar Romans Jonathan Shradar


We are slaves to what we obey and that is either sin or righteousness. For the believer, we have died to sin and now grace empowers us to obey God, living a life of freedom. Romans 6:15-23. 

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