Stand Alone Jonathan Shradar Stand Alone Jonathan Shradar

What's in the Water

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Reservoir’s values from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. We are rescued by Jesus, formed into family, for the renewal of others and all things.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

Why would it be important for a local church to define key values? Do these values match the culture of Reservoir?

What does the formation into family look like? Are we all Aunties and Uncles? How do we live this?

What can we do to take our call to be used by God to make his appeal seriously?

What are some ways the Spirit is equipping and calling you to live for the renewal of others and all things?

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Stand Alone Jonathan Shradar Stand Alone Jonathan Shradar

Alive With Christ

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Romans 6:1-11 for Easter. Christ’s resurrection is for you.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

Why is the resurrection of Jesus important? Isn’t the cross enough?

How is his death and resurrection applied in our lives spiritually? How can we be sure to tap into this for all of life?

Jesus is your assumed identity. How do you go about becoming and living more like him?

What are the ways the Spirit applies the resurrection life in you and how would you like to see it happen more?

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