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Devotional Jonathan Shradar Devotional Jonathan Shradar

The One of Authority

And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.” -Matthew 7:28–29 

We hear all kinds of things about Jesus that seem good but totally miss the point and deny the most important thing about him. “He was such a great example of kindness,” “He was humble and thought of the less fortunate,” or “He was such a great champion of the morals of the day.” But here the crowds get it right in their astonishment. 

Jesus is the One who has authority. He is not a mere guru or even a rabbi in the usual mold. No, Jesus is the authority because he is God. He teaches with authority because he reveals himself and his plan of redemption. 

We have a choice in life to see Jesus as a good example or a nice moral teacher, or we can see him as he says he is—the first and the last, I AM. God himself. The One of authority. If he has authority in this sense, we are due to listen, to heed, and to continually recognize his reign over us. 

Thankfully he is the One with authority. He is the One to lay done his life for us, to cherish us and call us to himself and to transformed lives. Our identity is solely in this God of authority. It is the best place to be, under his grace. 

Today, see his authority, be astonished not only that he has it, but that he knows you and claims you as his own.

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Devotional Jonathan Shradar Devotional Jonathan Shradar

Illuminated by the Lord

And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.” -Revelation 22:5

The sun in our day beats down and burns us. But it is still our source of light and warmth so we need and desire it even when we work against its ill effects. I don't know how many times on a scorching hot day I have wished the sun away.

But for the believer in Jesus there is a day coming where we no longer need the sun. We will have our light, our warmth our illumination from the Son, from Jesus. How crazy will that be?! He will, in his radiance, light our days of which there will never again be night. No more darkness, no more shadows blocking our view.

Christ's reign will be one of light and brilliance. We will never grow tired of his or wish it gone. In his forever reign we will be repeatedly refreshed and energized by his light.

Today the sun will make you struggle. The night will attempt to worry you. But know in both of these things you have hope because they will no longer be needed. You are headed to a life of perfected illumination. Long for that day and ask today for more of Christ's light in your life.

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