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Devotional Jonathan Shradar Devotional Jonathan Shradar

Stronghold Against What Surrounds

But the LORD has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.” -Psalm 94:22

For the Psalmist, this is a lament of the reality of life in the community. The wicked have their way. The opponents are raging and plotting. Things can't get much worse in the world as it is all weighing in and on the people.

But, the Lord has become their stronghold. What a glorious truth for those who belong to the Lord. That the arrows come at us, the long knives of enemies poke and prod, but we have a stronghold against what surrounds. As believers in Jesus, we have a stronghold and rock as our refuge that we know personally.

Jesus has secured his people; his work is the actual shield and protection we long for. He is the immovable rock and cornerstone of our lives and faith. Because of this, nothing can harm us. We are fully known and safe.

Today, you are safe. Do you know that? Do you understand that you are secure in Christ, and that he is your rock? Life won't be easy. There will be pain. But there will also be joy, and when all of the dust settles at the end of days, you will still be standing on the rock when perfect peace is delivered once for all.

Be encouraged by your refuge, by the stronghold that protects you. Live for him, live an adventure of pursuing him. Rejoice in your rock.

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Devotional Jonathan Shradar Devotional Jonathan Shradar

All Out and Blessed

Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled[.]” -1 Peter 3:13–14

Have a tender heart, be kind to another, be sympathetic, and love people. Go all out in your life in Christ. Full on, leaning into him and sharing his grace outward. This is Peter's message. This is our call, a call that we can jump to—not because we are obedient little followers, but because the source of our joy and the reason for our zealousness is just that good.

The Gospel of grace: that a bunch of prideful, unloving, selfish people would be claimed by Christ through his blood for a whole new script, for a real life of care and purpose and passion. No matter what people say, Jesus really is better than everything that might come our way. So now we can live doing good. Even if life gets nasty, we will be blessed; we will be cared for, loved by God, and headed home with him. This can get you through whatever it is in your way.

Have no fear, don't be troubled. Live unto Christ in your heart and in your works. How can this call and the reason for it change your day? Know that your blessing is promised, and the greatest gift has been given in Christ. Rejoice, lean in, and jump aboard the zealous-for-good train!

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